Green Tomato Salsa

The other week I posted some tips on bringing in green tomatoes to ripen indoors.  I mentioned that I make a green tomato salsa as well, and I had a request to post that recipe.  I use a recipe from the Simply in Season cookbook, put out by the good folks at the Mennonite Central Committee.  As with just about any recipe I use a lot, the formula is quite forgiving.  I don’t think I’ve ever measured any of the ingredients, I just throw it together in whatever way seems to make sense based on what I have on hand.

1 cup green tomatoes, coarsely choppedgreentomatoes
1/2 fresh jalapeno or other chili pepper
2 cloves minced garlic
2 green onions
1/3 cup water

Place all the above in small pan and simmer for about 5 minutes (the recipe says to nuke it for 2-3 minutes, but I always make it on the stove). Remove from heat and let stand for at least one minute uncovered. Place it in a blender or food processor. Add:

1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tbl. fresh cilantro (I’ve found fresh coriander works well too if your cilantro has gone to seed already)
1 Tbl lime juice
1 tsp. salt.

Blend until smooth. Freezes well. I assume it would can well too, but I haven’t tried that yet. Very delicious!

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